发表于 2017-3-24 01:53
Optimara系列非洲堇是世界上最著名的非洲堇品牌,以色彩鲜艳、花色丰富、花量大、易养护著称。这个品牌是由Holtkamp Greenhouses(霍尔特坎普温室,或译霍特康温室)推出的。
先来段不靠谱的中文翻译(因为是我用软件译的 ):
Optimara是地球最大的非洲紫罗兰种植者,1904年,由Martin Dorrenbach创立于德国莱茵河下游的伊瑟尔堡(Isselburg)。
到了1930年,其女婿和园艺家赫尔曼·霍尔特坎普(Hermann Holtkamp)拥有了第一个温室空间仅1平方米(10.76平方英尺)。
1961年,该公司的名称从Dorrenbach-Holtkamp Greenhouses改为Hermann Holtkamp。
1977年,Holtkamp Greenhouses在美国田纳西州首府纳什维尔成立,Optimara品牌被引入到美国消费者中。
在过去的几年里,已经加入了Elatior Begonias,Rex Begonias,及其他许多品种的蕨类植物和观叶植物产品线。
Optimara is Earth's largest grower of African Violets.
With the widest selection of full-blooming varieties, Optimara continues to advance the industry with new plant varieties and innovative growing techniques, constantly refined over years of research and development. We create new, exciting plants and care products which are trend-setting and truly functional. Our effort is to continue offering customers a unique selection of flowers in a beautiful product line.
Our company was founded in 1904, by Martin Dorrenbach in Isselburg, in the lower Rhein Valley of Germany. By the 1930's, the son-in-law and horticulturist, Hermann Holtkamp, Sr. bred his first Saintpaulias on only one square meter (10.76 square feet) of greenhouse space, and by the early 1950's, the first real success gave hope for the plant's future. At the time, Mr. Holtkamp said that the African Violet would be the potted plant of the future.
Our company grew many different crops, later to be replaced, one by one, by the African Violet.
One of the most exciting breakthroughs in the research and development of the African Violet was in the early 1960's, with the introduction of the first non-dropping variety called Elfriede. Today all of Optimara Varieties and most all other competitive varieties available on the market have this characteristic.
In 1961, the name of the company changed from Dorrenbach-Holtkamp Greenhouses to Hermann Holtkamp, KG. In 1977, Holtkamp Greenhouses was founded in Nashville, Tennessee, and the Optimara brand name was introduced to the American consumer.
In 1981, we started with Optiflora, a plant care product line which also sells its products under the Optimara brand name. In 1992, the company in the USA began growing miniature Poinsettias. Over the past few years, the company has added Elatior Begonias, Rex Begonias, many varieties of ferns and foliage plants to its product line. In the future, we hope to add even more items which will give the company new and exciting opportunities in delivering a diverse product line to the consumer into the 21st century.